If sewing isn’t your thing or you don’t have the time but would still like to own a grain sack pouf…this pouf along with a couple others will be for sale. They will be avaliable at the grand reopening of Trend+Relic in St. Charles, Illinois on May 1, 2021.
–Pouf insert, for this project I used a 16 inch cube insert. I generally just find an affordable pouf that advertises that it has a removable cover, so I can remove and use the insert.
-3 pieces of choice washed fabric measuring 17 inches wide by 18 inches long for the sides (measurements depend on your pouf size, add one inch for seam allowance for the width and two inches for the length for fabric to cover the zipper)
-2 pieces of choice washed fabric measuring 17 inches wide by 17 inches long for side and top (measurements depend on your pouf size, add one inch to length and width for seam allowance)
***I typically use one grain sack to sew a pouf this size, I might need a little bit of complimenting fabric to patch it together if I am short on fabric. Some good online shops that sell grain sack fabric include grainsack, Objekts1, and Parna UK.*** Grain sack fabric is great for poufs because it is very durable.
-1 piece of neutral washed canvas fabric for the bottom measuring 17 wide and 17 inches long(measurements depend on your pouf size, add one inch to length and width for seam allowance). You will want sturdy fabric for the bottom.
–Upholstery zipper measuring at least 50 inches (again this depends on the size of your pouf, but have a long enough zipper to go the full width of 3 side pieces sewn together).
-Sewing machine
-scissors, rotary cutter, cutting mat, and metal ruler
-Optional Dacron if you like a full look, and upholstery thread to secure
-Optional buttons

1) Cut the fabric to size:
-3 pieces of 17 inches wide by 18 inches long for the sides
-2 pieces of 17 inches wide by 17 inches long a side and top
-1 piece of plain canvas for the bottom measuring 17 inches by 17 inches

Amateur mock up of the 6 sides that need to be cut
~I have found grain sacks offer enough (sometimes ALMOST enough) fabric for the sides and top of a pouf this size. I have always had to piece together two smaller ends to make one complete side, I like the look of adding buttons. Pssst these buttons don’t work, they are just there for appearance, like a fake drawer. Sometimes I am just short some fabric here and I add complementary piece and it looks just fine.

2) Finish the edges of the fabric pieces with a zigzag stich on a sewing machine or if you have a serger finish the edges. This makes it possible to wash the pouf cover without the ends fraying. ***Make sure all your fabric is washed and dried before starting the project, otherwise it might shrink if washed later*** If you don’t plan on ever machine washing the pouf cover you could skip this step.

3) Place two of the fabric pieces that measure 17 by 18 right sides together, sew with a 1/2 inch seam allowance the length of 18 inches on one side. At the top I start sewing the stitch about a 1/2 inch from the top, this makes it easier when its time to add the top. I like stitch each line twice just to add stability for wear and tear. Then repeat this with the third piece of the same measurement. You will have a strip of three pieces of fabric sewn together like this:

4) Take the long strip of the three pieces of fabric sewn together and at the bottom iron a inch fold in prepartion for the zipper.

5) Pin the zipper in place, I align the bottom of the zipper with the bottom of the folded fabric, and the right side of the zipper is facing the inside of the fold. The zipper should go the length of the three pieces sewn together. Then I stitch it in place using a zipper foot. I sew the top of the zipper to this piece of fabric. I also am sure to add a small piece of fabric to the ends of the zipper to make sure that handle doesn’t go sliding off. When I first attempted making a pouf, I tried to squeeze an insert into one length of a side where I added functioning buttons. That was impossible. You really need to have 3 sides of the cube open to fit the pouf inside.

6) Once the zipper is in place. This fabric should be about 17 inches tall and line up pretty close to the fourth side that is 17 inches by 17 inches. Then sew this fourth piece into place with right sides facing each other on the end of the other three sides, then connect the final two ends to start to shape your cube.

7) Then I add the bottom. I line up the corners of the bottom fabric with the corners of side fabric. I pin the bottom with right side with the right side of the zipper. I don’t add the 1 inch fold this time, I just line up the edges of the bottom fabric and zipper. I carefully sew the other side of the zipper to bottom piece. Then I continue on to sew it together to the side without the zipper, using right sides together, with 1/2 inch seam allowance. I open the zipper a couple of inches now because it gets kind of tricky to do it after the top is sewn in place.
8) I line up the corners of the top piece with the top corners of the side, with right sides together I pin in place. Then I finish off with 1/2 inch seam allowance.

9) Open up the zipper as much as you can and turn the pouf cover right side out.
10) You can stuff your insert in place, zip it up, and enjoy your pouf.

10)If you prefer a fuller look you can add dacron to the insert.